30 December 2009


After a month of family gatherings and parties we're back to entertaining ourselves...
David has discovered dandelions! He loves it when I blow their seeds into the blue summer sky and laughs out loud...
And there are plenty to be found in our garden and on our walks. Laughter and sunshine.

27 December 2009

...and more Christmas

A pensive David.
Grandma and Grandpa opening their gift from David.
The meal. (Yum!)
Zach carefully considering his next move in a game of Rummikub.
And my perfect present from last Christmas!


This year we had our family celebration of Christmas on Christmas Eve so that the 25th could be David's birthday celebration.

It was wonderful having so much of the family together:
Enjoying the Christmas meal... Thanks Mum for such a great spread!
Opening presents...
(David's fridge magnet alphabet is his new favourite thing. Thank you Baker St Joneses!)Coco and Eowyn engrossed in their new rollers.
There was a summer rainstorm in the afternoon.

(more pictures to follow...)


David is 1!
We had a wonderful celebration with family all around - parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins!

Here is David enjoying his new toys with cousin Zach. We are already missing Zach (and Sam & Becca) who have already returned to London. Zach is David's hero. David is delighted right now to see this picture of Zach as I write this blog!

And here is David thanking cousins Eowyn and Coco for their gift. They are now living in Melbourne so we don't need to say goodbye to them.