Some of the kids from the orphanage watching the games...

...and cheering on their team!!

Then there was the som-tam making competition. Som-tam is a spicy and sour papaya salad that's a Thai-favourite Thai dish. The judging panel were all non-Thais. (I hadn't been given any warning that I was to do this. First I knew was when my name was called out over the microphone! Thankfully Victor was there to translate.)

The spiciest som-tam I've ever tasted! SO HOT!!! My mouth was burning for hours!!
You would be the first person I would think of, if I was to think of people who didn't like spicy food; there is some cosmic joke in all this I suppose.
Your grin is gorgeous in this pic Rachel!!!!!
It's so great to get an idea of where you live. I am enjoying you blog very much.
Did you REALLY like that food???
Is the "cosmic joke" comment T or A? (I suspect T but am not sure...)
Actually, Victor has been having lots of problems with his stomach lately and so has gone off spicy food almost completely. Suits me well! I don't mind a bit of a kick, but when you can't get any flavour for the pain it's all too much!
It was T. I was in Sydney that night and went out after seeing your blog and had Thai and chose some ridiculously spicy dish, which I hated. Normally I do enjoy a bit of a kick but this wasn't worth it. Had Tom Yum Goong for starter, which was lovely. (Tom Yum).
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