Here we are in Victor's village: Roman (V's Dad), A Lucy, Ranee (V's Mum), Bee (our wonderful Aussie friend in CM who is now back in Aus), Rachel and James (V's nephew who was his groomsman at our wedding.)
We took A Lucy to see the land we're hoping to buy to build a house on. (To see it on googleearth go to: 18deg54'o4.33''N 98deg58'07.33''E)
Victor's brother Somnuk came to visit (with his new work vehicle.)
Then on the final night before A Lucy flew out she took us to dinner at the Golf Club. A Lucy had the opportunity to give Victor his first ever golf lesson.
And we had a wonderful Thai meal. Victor's friend B was also there. (You've met him before on this blog.)
This was the last photo taken on our camera before it was irrepairably damaged... (but don't worry, we have plenty more material for future blog-posts.)
Hey Rachel @ v greatful for ther up date during such a busy time . Happy anniversay may you feel blessed in unity together knowing Christ joined you in Love hope and peace forever linked through Christs love Marita
great pix
good swing victor
Hi Rachel and Victor!
It's lovely to see photos of you both and so many people who were at your wedding A YEAR AGO! CONGRATULATIONS!!
We love you!
Love Megs, Bens, Eowyn and Coco
PS The gum tree in Mum and Dad's back yard reminded me of Rani being so very excited to see the koala in it!
Hi. Great that Lucy could visit. I will one day when I have money (mmmmm...). Your hair looks great Rachel. I will check out the google earth reference - what a great way to show people the land.
Hello dear people!
Thank you so much for faithfully visiting our blog even though I'm so irregular at it. I do still love it.
And I love checking all yours too.
We had a great anniversary. No pics, unfortunately, but kind of nice to just enjoy the day without a camera. (Kind of.)
much love,
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