11 August 2008

Our baby

Last week we had the 20-week ultrasound for our baby. What an amazing experience!
He was sleeping this time, so not as active as at 14 weeks, though his little heart was keeping busy and he was swallowing lots.

Yes, it's a boy! At least the doctor was "100% sure". I'm always conscious that Megan was told her first baby was a boy - then Eowyn arrived! - so I'm still reserving a little bit of doubt.
We looked at baby's brain, kidneys, liver, stomach, bladder. We counted his fingers. We looked closely at his heart and saw the 4 chambers and no holes in any walls, and the aorta as it should be. We looked lots at his face - I think he looks like Victor, though his nose is longer!

I wish we could put a picture here. Actually, we have the whole ultrasound on dvd, so some of you will get to see it ... at some stage!

He is starting to be very active and I love it! It makes his presence so much more real.


Jenny said...

I'm glad all is going so well.
Will you be going to Melbourne for the birth? I am planning on travelling to where ever you are to meet the little sweetie after he is born.

gretta at lothlorien said...

We look forward to seeing you in Melbourne, Jenny. Lovely news, Rach. Glad about his little heart, too. Much love

Megs said...

how WONDERFUL Rachel!
oh how wonderful!
i am overwhelmed with emotion and tearing up! you're having a BABY!
i think that seeing baby on ultrasound makes baby realer!!
love you!
how grand if your little nibs and our girls get to be cousins who live in the same city!!!!!!!!!!!! maybe!
love love love m

Rachel J-L said...

Oh, Jenny, how great! Yes, it will be in Melbourne - I'm already booked into The Northern Hospital near Mum and Dad's house (and feel very pleased with myself for managing to arrange that from this distance!) I would SO love you to come and meet him in his early days. Mind you, with the due date being Christmas Day it might be tricky!

baker st jones said...

lovely rachel, glad he's going well. not much anyone can say to prepare you for any of what's coming up, but God bless.

baker st jones said...

i am impressed that can get ultrasound on dvd - what a great idea...lovely to look back on

only 20 weeks to go!


sam becca zach and martha said...

Oh Rach it is so exciting!!! Another boy for the family, excellent! Zach will be pleased. Dad will be there soon; I hope you have a great time with him. It was great having him and Mum here. Love you Sam

Philippa said...

Rach, it's so exciting to hear about your ultrasound! and to hear that you're having a boy!! I bet he will be the most gorgeous little bub : )
We had our ultrasound last Monday and found that we are having a girl next (apparently all very clear to the lady doing the ultrasound....right'o)
I need to read your blog more often..
Love Philippa xx

sam becca zach and martha said...

wonderful! it is so very exciting! Nancie sent us a beautiful photo of you and your bump which made it all seem real. you look great! lovely bump.
it's nice to read about your days and your house, plants, baby etc, even with no pictures.
love becca x