This has become a favourite position for me. Because we don't have any comfy furniture my achy body and need to put my feet up (literally) mean that I can often be found here in my bed.
This shows my morning time, with tea tray, bible and dear cat (who's not always there but often). After the first photo was taken he repositioned himself...

I can also be found in this position each afternoon after lunch (when I'm at home), or whenever I get home, and at various other times through the day.
It's always so hot and my feet get very swollen these days, so feet-up time is very necessary.
My blog tells me the title of your posts, and so I was expecting some 'familiar flower', for 'regular posy'. Looks quite comfortable anyhow, though I get the impression it's better to be pregnant in a cold country or at least, in winter.
Oh dear... when I wrote this post I hadn't realised quite how tired I look in those photos! i guess it had been one of my not-so-good nights for sleep!
Is there a better way to spell 'posy' short for 'position'? I was wondering that. Maybe 'posie', like cosie would be better.
I'm already planning for a Winter pregnancy next time!
look at your bump!
just as I was reading your post Zach woke up, so I went in to get him - one of the loveliest things. Makes it all very worth while.
i was thinking u looked great, rach! maybe 'posi'? yes, i too thought of a flowery posy...but then it could work as 'posey'...like u r posing...in your posi?
possie is also a poss. Iam wondering what you will make your place here, Rach. Soft chairs are great. You do look tired, but lovely to have those routines.
Your poor achy body Rachel!
I just love the way you create routines and cosy-ness. I wish though that I could massage poor achy you! You do look VERY gorgeous!! And exhausted!
And how about 'pozzie' or 'pozy'?
We are praying Victor will soon be able to join you when you go to Oz... and guess who finally sent off their application?!!!!!
love m
You look gorgeous Rachel. How are you coping with the heat and humidity?
yes megan, i think pozzie is the best
No! 'Pozzie' is much too American! As is 'possie', I feel. I like 'posi'.
If I used 'posey' (as in poser) I think the title would become Victor's. As in I am his regular posey. But enouch of that...
I'm hating the heat and humidity. It's exhausting at the best of times. The cool season is edging in now. I got very excited about the 'chilly' morning yesterday, then found out on the news that it had dipped to 21 degrees! The days are still well into the 30s.
Thank you, Becca. That's so lovely to look forward to!
You look lovely. Dishevelled? Yes. Tired. Yes. And lovely. I'm glad too I can imagine you in that spot, having seen you in it!
You look lovely. Dishevelled? Yes. Tired? Yes. And lovely.
I liked that little spot you had on the bed and I'm so glad I saw you there.
Oops. Sorry about that. Saying it twice!
oh that was Sam who left that comment about Zach waking up, not me. but it is lovely. i thought of posy of flowers too. although even if i had known it was pronounced "pozzie", being english i wouldn't have known that you meant position! i love that there is no word that an aussie can't abbreviate. it does look very cozy and comfy in your posi! good you're putting your feet up lots.
love Becca x
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