18 January 2009

18th Jan 09

We've finally got the internet again after more than a week without. So here is an update on our little boy...

This is early this morning - David and I have a lovely time each morning singing, reading stories, and SMILING!
That lovely drunken doze after a good feed...

At church this morning. This week David slept through almost the whole service. The last 2 weeks he's been awake the whole time.
David is quite a hit at church and this morning was passed around to lots of admirers.


sam becca zach and martha said...

we've loved looking at these together. David is so cute!

m bbbbbbbbbb/..

(zach just typed that - he LOVES the keyboard! and is now upset because sam has taken him away from it! - they are playing ball instead :)

baker st jones said...

thanks rach a lovely photo of you, with david over your shoulder. /T

sam becca zach and martha said...

yes i meant to mention that we noticed how v beautiful you look in that photo rach, with D over your shoulder!

Rachel J-L said...

Thank you. I guess it's such a good feeling when he snuggles in contented after a feed.

Good typing Zach!

Rachel J-L said...

It's so nice seeing all the family snaps down beside our comments.