5 January 2009

Around the home

Having a nap with Dad
The feeding chair. Little David is getting to love the familiarity of this spot.
Helping Grandma prepare the Saturday roast lamb.
You would never know that a week before Victor had never changed a nappy. Now he's a pro!
Chatting with Grandma (and admiring her French lady) while wearing the jumper she knitted (very handy in this cold Melbourne January!)


Megs said...

He's so lovely, as are all of you - these pictures remind me SOOO much of Cambridge Rachel, and you as a little newborn, and Mum and Dad and Tom and me and Grandma... WOW! Love Megs

sam becca zach and martha said...

you guys look like naturals!! and David looks like such a calm peaceful, happy and alert little boy.

gretta - lovely jumper for David. Zach wore the one you made for him for all of our christmas holiday as we were staying in a big cold house. and he got lots of compliments for it.

love becca x

Rachel J-L said...

Calm, peaceful,happy and alert... yes, he is. I feel so blessed. According to my reading most newborns cry a total of 3 hours a day. David doesn't get to much more than 3 minutes.
And the average new mum in Australia gets 3.5hours sleep at night. I'm getting 6 or more most nights.
So I feel like we're doing very well. David just seems to know how to eat and sleep and be happy!
Such a blessing.