23 July 2011

Pipe Organ National Park

We had a lovely 3-day visit from Barbara during the school holidays. The weather was terrible - cold and wet - so we had to spend most of the time sitting around in our pjs chatting and drinking cups of tea!
But the day she left it cleared up enough for us to enjoy at picnic at Organ Pipes NP.
David loves Barbara.

Looking for platypuses (platypi?) in the river...
A wave for Grandma and Granpa at the rosette rock...

David discovering moss...

Heading back up the hill out of the gorge, David singing happily "Jesus, Jesus loves..."


sam becca zach and martha said...

lovely boy!

Megs said...

what a lovely day!
we shall have to have a visit and take Cosette to rock Rosette!

Love, and great to c u yesterday,


gretta at lothlorien said...

Wonderful! So sorry about the weather, and having just to sit around drinking tea!!! Hello to you, my David.

gretta at lothlorien said...

I love the one of D looking up at Barb, and the moss one