20 May 2009


We are enjoying one of the joys of living in Melbourne...
sunny Autumn days.

David loves being outside and trees especially.
Yesterday he spent some time looking at the beautiful Autumn leaves in our garden.


This photo shows David as he is right at this moment, sleeping for the FIRST TIME in his cot. (He was still in the bassinet until today.)
And here he is this morning EATING SOLIDS! He had his first Farex last week. Here you can see he's now good at opening his mouth wide. Most of it comes straight out again but Mum just shovels it right back in!
You can also see that David's having a quick look at the IKEA catalogue. We're planning a trip there tomorrow with Grandma to buy the IKEA highchair. (And a few other things too...)
These milestones are late (cot) and early (solids) because of his acid reflux. Sleep has become such a difficult issue that Mum has kept putting off the change in case it causes even more disruption.
And Mum is starting solids early (by current Australian recommendations anyway) because some paediatricians advise that solids reduce acid reflux. Hopefully they are right.

17 May 2009


David is loving being able to control his hands. There's so much to explore! He reaches out and touches everything he can.
We're at Grandma and Grandpa's house now and David just had his first play at the piano - lots of stroking and a few little tinkles.

10 May 2009

Watching Bombers beat Hawthorn, with Grandpa

Jingle Bells

I wouldn't have thought it possible, but David is becoming more and more delightful as he grows.
We still struggle with the pain from the reflux, but we have good hours/parts of the day,and when he is happy he's SO happy!
He loves to talk and speaks in whole 'sentences' using lots of consonants and vowels.
And he's getting more and more confident with his hands. (Though he still has trouble moving them without moving his legs at the same time...!)

4 May 2009

Carlton Gardens

Last Thursday David had his first tram ride. Aunt Seren took us on the tram at the end of our street, into the city, and to Carlton Gardens.
It was a magnificent day. Carlton Gardens are very beautiful, especially in the Autumn.
We had a great picnic, including the best strawberries I've eaten in years.
David loves his Aunt Seren very much.
A family portrait in front of what was once declared the "most elaborate fountain in the Southern Hemisphere."

Church Camp

This weekend we had the St Marks' Church Camp up at Riddells Creek. It was a great weekend.
David loved living in community - so many people to talk with and laugh with. Here he is holding court on the Friday evening.
We had a big bonfire the whole weekend. The weather was pretty good, but always cold enough to enjoy the fire. David got very excited by the fire. And as always he loved looking at the trees.
We went for a bushwalk on Saturday afternoon. Very beautiful bush and lots of kangaroos.
Mum and Dad did a great skit for the concert on Saturday evening.
David and I were up for sunrise on Sunday - amazingly beautiful. The air was so clear and the light was amazing.