23 July 2011

Pipe Organ National Park

We had a lovely 3-day visit from Barbara during the school holidays. The weather was terrible - cold and wet - so we had to spend most of the time sitting around in our pjs chatting and drinking cups of tea!
But the day she left it cleared up enough for us to enjoy at picnic at Organ Pipes NP.
David loves Barbara.

Looking for platypuses (platypi?) in the river...
A wave for Grandma and Granpa at the rosette rock...

David discovering moss...

Heading back up the hill out of the gorge, David singing happily "Jesus, Jesus loves..."

22 July 2011

"Mummy look! My is a big 'rangutan!"

Beautiful morning at the Zoo!

This morning David and I went to the Zoo with Klara and Angelika, friends from Mothers' Group. It was such beautiful weather and we seemed to be the only people at the zoo for the first hour!

Klara and David in the butterfly house (being orangutans!)

Watching the orangutan family. They were so affectionate with each other. Can you spot the baby?

David and Klara...there was plenty of hand-holding!

4 July 2011

Percy and Cranky Crane

David loves reading stories and always begins with "One sunny morning..." I'm not sure where he got that from but it's very sweet!

And here is the picture of Cranky that he wanted to take: